Cold Steel Small Sword Review by Paul Versace. Sword of end of 18th and early 19th century. Rapier and small sword reviews.
During the Renaissance, rapier swords were popular. It was a weapon used by armies but also by civilians for defense. It was also meant to act as a fashion accessory especially among rich gentleman. Rapiers evolved into samll swords in 18th century. If you are planning to get one such sword, you should opt for the Small Sword made by Cold Steel.
Cold Steel has quite a bit of reputation as a manufacture of quality swords. The Small Sword lives up to that reputation. The overall length of the sword is 38.50 inches while its blade is 31.25 inches only.
The blade has been crafted from 1055 carbon steel but is not sharpened at all. On the other hand, the tip is pointy. As such, thrusting with this sword can certainly cause damage but slashing does not have much effect.
The pommel is round in shape and contains a fair amount of details. A floral motif has been placed on it along with raised foliage. Like the blade, the pommel, the handle and the guard are all crafted from steel. The guard is made up of mirrored shells. They are big enough to provide adequate protection to your hand. They also feature the floral motif found on the pommel.
The Small Sword comes with a scabbard that has been created out of wood. Black leather covers the scabbard which makes it look rather attractive. The looks are further improved thanks to the polishing that the blade has undergone.
The only negative is the fact the sword is a little heavier than the originals were.
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