10 very expensive swords sold in auctions. List of rare swords and cold steel weapons that became a valuable collectibles.
Sword was an attribute of a rulers, monarchs, military commanders and other exceptional people.
Sword was symbol of power, wealth and prestige.
Some swords became an attractive investemnt as a precious jewels, valuable paintings or limited sereis cars are.
People are willing to invest millions in a rare swords.
The following list is not list of the most expensive swords but it shows some valuable swords sold in a recent auctions.
Many rare swords are still in possession of a world museums and collections (Joyeuse, Sword of the Prophet).
10 amazing swords and weapons sold in auctions
1. 18th Century Boateng Saber of Chinese emperor Qianlong – $7.7 million.
2. Saber of Napoleon Bonaparte – $6.5 million.
3. 15th Century Nasrid Period Ear-Dagger – $6 million.
4. Shah Jahan’s Personal Dagger – $3.3 million.
5. The Gem of the Orient Knife – $2.1 million.
6. Ulysses S. Grant’s Civil War Presentation Sword – $1.6 million.
7. Qianlong Imperial Hunting Knife – $1.24 million.
8. 17th Century Indian Talwar – $717,800.
9. Sword of Admiral Nelson – $541,720.
10. 13th Century Japanese Kamakura Katana – $418,000.
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