YariNoHanzo Katana Swords Review. YariNoHanzo company info, product lines, sword steels, prices and sword reviews.YariNoHanzo is an European based samurai sword manufacturer.
Sword steel:
folded steel.
YNH low end katana swords are made of 1060 steel. High end katanas have blades made of tripple steel 1045+1060+1095 (soshu kitae method).
Katana price range: $200-$2000
YariNoHanzo sword lines:
Basic, practical, intermediate, performance, superior and special swords.
YariNoHanzo also creates an unique special swords as Koga Ninja To.
Each sword is made in two versions: iaito and shinken for cutting.
The swords are named by Japanese samurai clans (Taira, Minamoto) or by the famous Japanese samurai lords (Oda Nobunaga, Araki Murashige, Mitsuhide Akechi..).
YNH Katana quality
There are no quality issues reported by customers.
Swords come as described, the blades are well polished, customer support is very friendly and helpful.
I have their Araki and Fuji katana. Both swords are awesome, well constructed, properly sharpened katanas with a nice hamon. I will definitely buy a next one in future. Regards! Klaus, Germany.