Imperial Forge sword manufacturer review. Imperial Forge swords info, review and sword lines available for sale. Discount Imperial forge katana swords.
Imperial Forge swords
Imperial Forge swords are hand crafted and intended for battle ready use, or “the way of the sword.” Blades in their Imperial Spring Steel Sword collection are hand forged from 1050 spring steel and individually heat treated, tempered, and polished by skilled craftsmen. Swords from their Imperial High Carbon Steel Collection are created using specially forged and tempered high carbon steel that exceeds competitors in regards to strength and cutting power. Finally, the Imperial Folded Sword collection uses specially forged and tempered, folded steel in a process that eliminates any imperfections in the makeup of the blade for maximum power and flexibility.
Imperial Forge steels: 1050 spring steel, 1080 folded steel, 1060 folded steel.
Imperial Forge prices: $500-1200.
Imperial Forge sword line:
Competitive Cutting Katana (1060 folded steel).
Limited Edition Katana (1080 folded steel).
Toumoku katana and wakizashi (1050 spring steel).
Imperial Forge pictures
Competition cutting katana
Kesshi katana
Where to buy disount Imperial Forge swords
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