Hanwei Tiger Elite Katana Review by Kurt. Folded katana made of Swedish powder steel. Paul Chen katana sword reviews on SwordReview.com.
Hanwei Tiger Elite Katana features
Overall: 41″
Blade Length: 29″
Handle Length: 11″
Weight: 2lb 8oz
Point of Balance: 5 1/2″
Width at Guard: 1.35″
Steel: K120C Swedish powder steel.
Price: $1,700
Hanwei Tiger Elite Katana Review by Kurt Schneider
Hanwei has made a name for itself as a manufacturer of quality Japanese swords and katana. The Tiger Elite Katana is one of the premium swords from Hanwei and lives up to the expected quality.
The quality of the katana is evident as soon as you hold it. After all, the Tiger Elite has been forged and folded by hand. The traditional method of crafting imbibes this katana with a beauty that can rarely be found in blades of modern manufacture. The beauty is further accentuated by the use of the best fittings possible.
To create the blade, K120C powder steel has been used. The traditional claying method was used to differentially harder the katana allowing it to have a HRC60 edge along with a HRC40 back. As a result, the katana is excellent at holding its edge while having a superior cutting ability.
The attractiveness of the Tiger Elite Katana is further enhanced by the presence of the hada and the hamon. In fact, they are rather prominent. Moreover the koshirae have been crafted from blackened bronze while the details have been painted in gold. In keeping with the tiger theme, the tsuba features a stalking tiger motif and is crafted from blackened iron. This combination of black and gold looks very stunning.
The same has been created from the best possible rayskin. High quality Japanese cotton has been used for creating the sageo and the tsuka ito. The saya has also been blackened so as to match the overall color aesthetics of the katana.
The price of this katana is rather high. However, that is to be expected considering that it has been crafted with traditional methods and the best quality materials have been used for it.
The Tiger Elite Katana is a beautiful blade from Hanwei. It can be a perfect addition to a collection or for competitions.
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