Hanwei swords review. Hanwei company founded by Paul Chen info, history. Hanwei sword lines, steel and sword quality review. Where to buy Hanwei swords.
Hanwei was founded by Paul Chen ( Chen Chao-Po) in 1991. Hanwei sword factory is located in Dalian, China. The factory has more than 300 workers today.
Hanwei forge sustained a damage during fire in 2011 what caused a huge disaster to the Hanwei business.
After the fire, Hanwei discontinued many valuable swords and prices increased. Hanwei discontinued ethe entire beautiful line of Chinese Shaloin swords, the legendary Song sword, some great katanas and many next products.
Hanwei swords price range: $100-$3000.
Hanwei steel: 5160 spring steel, 1065 and 1095 high carbon steel, K120C Swedish powder steel, L6 and T10 tool steel.
Hanwei product lines
Japanese samurai swords: several lines from simple katanas up to sofisticated Japanese nihonto style swords. I recommend to focus on the high end katanas rather than spening money for low end katanas with a very moderate quality. The Hanwei high end katana swords can be considered as one of the best in the market at its price.
Chinese swords: this product line was drastically reduced after fire in Hanwei forge. Only a few swords left.
European swords: wide line of European ancient (Roman, Greek and Celtic), medieval and renaissance swords.
Buying Hanwei swords:
Hanwei swords are distributed by CAS Iberia (Casiberia.com).
The prices are high so it is recommended to buy from a Hanwei dealer.
Cas Iberia brands
Hanwei swords.
Citadel: small limited series of samurai swords made in Cambodia. Knives.
Dragon King: Samurai and Chinese swords made in Dalian factory. Other products: sword canes.
Legacy Arms: European ancient and medieval swords. These swords are permanently unavailable.
Red Dragon: Synthetic swords and HEMA masks and gloves for training.
Kingston Arms: a few medieval swords.
GDFB: medieval armor including full suits of knight armor. Mail, daggers, medieval clothing and accessoires.
Kizlyar, Okapi and Casstrom knives.
Palnatoke: LARP swords.
Where to buy Hanwei swords
Discount Hanwei swords
Their medieval swords are craps but the katanas are totally awesome.
I have hanwei praying mantis katana, the great sword, awesome blade.
Hanwei means a good swords at a reasonable price. Peter, Denmark.
I really had bad experience with CAS Hanwei swords. I had purchased a Hanwei Bamboo Mat Katana $599 from kultofathena.com. However, right after my heavy cutting the frist day, the whole handle plus wraping start to loose, it is way worse than my $500 gift shinken from Japan!!!
Horrible customer care! Stay away.
I have Bushido and Anniversary shinto. Both swords are great. Perfect blades, good support.