Cold Steel 1796 Light Cavalry Saber Review by M. Stone. Military saber reviews. The famous sabre used by German cavalry from Napoleonic wars till 19th century.
The Features of the 1796 Saber
Cold Steel has ensured the quality of its 1796 Saber by using 1055 carbon steel to craft it from. The overall length of this saber is 33 inches while the blade length measures 37-3/4 inches. It weighs 34.2 oz. The saber is supplied with steel or leather scabbard.
1796 Saber review by M. Stone
Cold Steel has the reputation of manufacturing really sharp swords which are also known to be very durable. The 1796 Saber lives to these expectations quite nicely. It is also a beautiful replica of the sabers used by the British army in the Battle of Waterloo.
The sabers used by the British army during the late 1700s were based on the Tulwar of the Indian subcontinent. As a result, it possesses a wider blade than that is usual for a cavalry saber. It is also comparatively heavy. The curve of the blade should also be taken into account.
The sharpness of this blade should not be underestimated. Of course, like a true military saber, only the forward edge carries the sharpness. The rear edge is kept unsharpened except for the first 8 inches.
Cold Steel has paid attention to the grip as well. As a result, you can grip the saber comfortably and it also improves your control. When it comes to chopping or cutting, you will be hard-pressed to find a better saber than this. For the same reason, this saber is completely unsuitable for fencing sports.
The blade has been tempered nicely and it rather durable. The construction of the 1796 Saber is also excellent. It feels solid because the assembly of the saber is pretty strong.
While a good replica, there are a few details in this saber that are historically inaccurate. Moreover, wielding it is more about force than it is about grace.
For a collection, the 1796 Saber is a good choice provided you don’t mind a few historical inaccuracies. On the other hand, it is an excellent option if you want a cutter.
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